Day 5. What was the last restaurant you went to?


We went to Nando’s with friends and family on Friday night.

My vegetarian friends, please do not read the lines onward. Instead, I request you to look away.

If you haven’t been to Nando’s, its one of the most common go-to places in England we frequent, for a fuss free dinner; Their chicken cooked in peri-peri sauce in Portuguese-Mozambican style, being the most popular choice. I have never not eaten Nando’s chicken whenever we’ve been there except a beans burger once, when I was a vegan for a couple of months (Its a tasty good option too). Peri-peri means pepper-pepper in Swahili according to Wiki.

Here’s a funny-but-not-so-funny fact. They claim that Β their peri-peri sauce is said to be an aphrodisiac. Lemme tell you, I’ve eaten at Nando’s a hell lot of times, more than I can count. There’s nothing, I mean nothing ‘aphrodisiac-istic’ about it. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Zip (#QuotingTheJoker). In fact, you will sleep faster after the bloody heavy meal.

Here’s another not-at-all-funny fact. Nando’s website says that their chicken is not only tasty, but also healthy and happy.* Yes, of course. Well, up until we killed the chicks. (To be fair, what they meant is they have high standards of food safety, animal welfare and environmental protection and hence the chickens had a good life. But I just slightly manipulated their words for my content πŸ˜‰ )

The good fact is, we can choose from 6 different spice levels for their chicken.

– Lemon and herb (Almost bland with slight zestiness.)
– Mango and lime (A little sweet and tangy.)
– Medium hot (Diplomatic. People pleaser. Meh. Boring.)
– Hot (Oh hello, Hottie! I love you!)
– Extra hot (I don’t wanna die from hot flash. Sorry.)
– Extra extra hot (Are you freakin’ kidding me??)**

And as always, dinner gets better, if you wash your tongue with an ample amount of chocolate laden dessert after, of which I’m not going to divulge in detail. Lets just say that I definitely need to hit the gym big time, to wash away the sins.

But of course life is too short not to relish every bite. As the famous food writer, Mary Fisher once said.. “First we eat and then we do everything else.”

** If you’ve irritable stomach, please go easy with extra servings of sauce and order medium hot level. It’s not that boring, I was just exaggerating. πŸ˜‰

* On a serious note, Nando’s chicken do/have not lead a happy or healthy lives. They are confined in cages with almost no outdoor access or enough space to roam inside, which makes them reach their slaughter weight faster in a matter of 6 weeks, whereas average lifespan of a chicken is 6+ years. Cruelty of course. That’s another subject, will delve on that, some other day.

4 thoughts on “Day 5. What was the last restaurant you went to?”

  1. Interesting
    I thought it was fun and satisfying with great circle of friends especially someone (πŸ˜€ You know who is that).
    Laterally , is it really healthy where the chicken is served with its skin on.Surely naked chicken is more healthy..

  2. Forgot to mention
    The food tastes better and appeal good if its served in a professional way and of course clean dinnerware. Wonder why the chocolate didn’t wash the 11 tongues there πŸ€”πŸ€”

    1. Because if you order 6 desserts and there are 11 people, its a matter of who has got more lust towards sweets and who can hoard on faster πŸ˜€

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